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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Using Simulation For Decision Making In Zero Latency Enterprise Projects


Fernando Sevillano, Marta Beltrán, Antonio Guzmán

Published in:


(2009).ECMS 2009 Proceedings edited by J. Otamendi, A. Bargiela, J. L. Montes, L. M. Doncel Pedrera. European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2009 


ISBN: 978-0-9553018-8-9


23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Madrid, June 9-12, 2009

Citation format:

Sevillano, F., Beltran, M., & Guzman, A. (2009). Using Simulation For Decision Making In Zero Latency Enterprise Projects. ECMS 2009 Proceedings edited by J. Otamendi, A. Bargiela, J. L. Montes, L. M. Doncel Pedrera (pp. 25-31). European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2009-0025-0031



The concept of Zero Latency Enterprise (ZLE) has re- ceived considerable attention through the last years. Many companies and organizations want to see the value of this kind of strategy before changing their IT infras- tructure to implement ZLE solution. This paper proposes a new project methodology defining five main steps that should be followed to success in ZLE implementation projects. One of these steps, the Planning and Decision Making stage, is based on simulation techniques, allow- ing a comparison of the organization performance with and without ZLE strategies. Furthermore, in this work the different approaches for the ZLE simulation are ex- amined and discussed.

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