Track chairs
(BPMI) Business Process Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Operations
Romeo Bandinelli
(DTSIS) Digital Twins for Smart Industrial Systems
Giovanni Lugaresi
(FDEM) Finite – Discrete – Element Simulation
Peter T. Zwierczyk
(FES) Finance, Economics and Social Sciences
Agnes Vidovics-Dancs
(HRIC) Modelling and
Simulation of Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration
Filippo Sanfilippo
(MathMo) Mathematical modeling and computer simulations
Vladimir Mityushev
(MaSPECS) Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of
Computer-based Systems
Mauro Iacono
- (DIS) Modelling and Simulation of Data Intensive Systems
(OCMS) Open and Collaborative Models and Simulation Methods
Henrique M. Gaspar
(RSSC) Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain Modelling and Simulation
Miguel Afonso Sellitto
Virginia Fani
(SecMoS) Cybersecurity Modelling and Simulation
Joanna Kolodziej
(SIMO) Simulation and Modelling
Frank Herrmann