Conference Chairs
Enrico Vicario
Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence
Romeo Bandinelli
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Programme chairs
Virginia Fani
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence
Michele Mastroianni
Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno
Track chairs for:
Finance, Economics and Social Sciences (FES)
Ágnes Vidovics-Dancs
Business Process Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Operations (BPMI)
Simulation and Modelling (SIMO)
Frank Herrmann
Finite – Discrete – Element Simulation (FDEM)
Peter T. Zwierczyk
Open and Collaborative Models and Simulation Methods (OCMS)
Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain Modelling and Simulation (RSSC)
Virginia Fani
Logistics, Transportation and Manufacturing Applications (LTMA)
Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing (DTSM)
Special Students’ Track on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization (SSTMSV)
Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of
Computer-based Systems (MaSPECS)
Mauro Iacono
Modelling and Simulation of Data Intensive Systems (DIS)
Agnieszka Jakobik