Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of
Computer-based Syste

Modelling and simulation are widely considered essential tools in many areas of science and engineering for the prediction and analysis of complex systems and natural phenomena. They often require a significant amount of computational resources with data sets typically scattered across different geographical locations, and sophisticated modeling and evaluation techniques

MaSPECS is a yearly forum for researchers and practitioners that are interested in theory and applications of  Modeling and Simulation for Computer-based Systems

MaSPECS takes the baton from HiPMoS, a successful event founded by Prof. Joanna Kołodziej, and keeps its tradition, adding a stronger focus on performance evaluation of systems and welcoming heretic ideas connected to performance modeling and related tools at large. In particular, MaSPECS welcomes original research papers about the following topics, still being open to other proposals:

DIS track:

  • Modelling, simulation, analysis and (generalized) performance evaluation of Large and very large scale distributed and parallel computing systems, Complex computer based systems, Cyberphysical systems, Mobile systems, Real time systems, Dependable systems, Critical systems, Hybrid systems, Information and Telecommunication systems, High performance networks, Intelligent networks, Industrial systems, Big Data applications
  • Quantitative evaluation techniques related to Performance, Dependability, Security, Survivability, Safety, Real time constraints, Cost, Energy-efficiency and combined aspects like performance-security tradeoffs
  • Theory of Multiformalism and Multiparadigm modeling and applications to Distributed systems, Complex computer based systems, Critical systems, Hybrid systems, Cyberphysical systems 
  • Advances and advanced applications in Cloud, Grid and Data Intensive Computing and Data Mining, Social Networks, Security Awareness and Energy Effectiveness in Distributed Data and Information Management, Parallel and Distributed Meta- and Hyper-Heuristics, e-Health large scale systems, Large parallel and distributed multi-agent systems, Intelligent scheduling, Resource allocation and management in P2P, Grid, Cluster, Cloud, Edge computing and Big Data oriented systems, Biologically inspired modeling and simulation
  • Data Science applications to WSN, Computer based systems, Critical systems, Large scale computer based infrastructures, Large scale control and supervision systems 

MaSPECS also welcomes, in the DIS track, solid and well argumented modeling and simulation approaches that are out of the mainstream proposals.

Proceedings of MaSPECS are published within the yearly book series Communications of ECMS and are indexed by SCOPUS, WOS, Inspec, DOI and DBLP.

The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit their work to fast track sections or special issues of journals indexed by SCOPUS.