For Authors
DEADLINE for first submission got extended to LATEST February 18th.
Each paper will be reviewed by several members of the International Program Committee.
With acceptance of the relevant track chair some papers might be up to 10 pages
but each page over 7 will have to be paid for: 40€ per additional page.
Only original papers which have not been published elsewhere will be accepted.
The language of the papers has to be English.
Authors are expected to register early and to attend the conference at their own expense to present the accepted paper(s).
If registration and payment are not made on time, the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings and will not be scheduled for presentation.
In case of multiple Authors, one Author should be identified as the corresponding Author for the paper and paper must clearly indicate his/her affiliation, postal and email address.
A short bio should be included for each Author at the end of the paper.
More information about the paper-format can be found on Author kit.
In order to guarantee a high-quality conference, the final papers will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of the referees have been incorporated, and whether the formatting instructions have been taken into account. A final submission might not be accepted in case the changes asked for have not been implemented.