Accepted papers
ECMS 2024 proceedings
Our ECMS 2024 full proceedings are now available for download. We encourage you to read, cite and distribute.
Paper list
ID | Authors | Title |
Plenary Papers (INVI) | ||
INVI – 94 | Stanislaw Drozdz PL * | Complex Systems Approach to Natural Language |
INVI – 95 | Vilem Novak CZ * | Formal Theory of Quantifiers in Natural Language and Their Syllogisms |
Simulation and Optimization (SIMO) | ||
SIMO – 7 | Rabia Altunay FI * , Eero Immonen FI , Jarkko Suuronen , Andreas Rupp , Lassi Roininen | Reinforcement approach using topology optimization |
SIMO – 8 | Maximilian Dilefeld DE * , Thorsten Claus , Frank Herrmann DE , Enrico Teich | Robot task assignment in dynamic factory environments |
SIMO – 11 | Chenghao Dai CN * , Maximilian Schoen DE , Thorsten Claus , Frank Herrmann DE | Multi-Site Aggregate Production Planning with Resilience Consideration |
SIMO – 12 | JiMing Su CN * , Yiping Yao , Feng Zhu | An adaptive approach for parallel discrete event simulation thread pool prediction |
SIMO – 13 | Fatemeh Ardaneh FI * , Eero Immonen FI , Ashvinkumar Chaudhari FI , Jani Pelkonen , Santeri Knuutinen | Analysis of Viscosity Behaviour of Shear-Thinning Hydrogels in 3D-Printing Nozzles |
SIMO – 15 | Jan Schering NL * , Sander Keemink , Johannes Textor | Fitting Stochastic Lattice Models using Approximate Gradients |
SIMO – 18 | Christoph Tholen DE * , Lars Nolle DE | On the performance evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous parallel particle swarm optimisation |
SIMO – 19 | Christoph Tholen DE * , Lars Nolle DE , Jochen Wollschlaeger , Frederic Stahl DE | Model Generalisation for Predicting the Amount of Photosynthetically Available Radiation in the Water Column from Freefall Profiler Observations |
SIMO – 24 | Roman Knobloch CZ * , Jaroslav Mlynek CZ | Global Convergence Limits of Differential Evolution Algorithm |
SIMO – 25 | Federico Solari IT * , Natalya Lysova , Roberto Montanari , Federico Scano , Enrico Bedogni , Gabriele Copelli | Computational fluid dynamics simulation of sloshing inside beverage cans on a rotary filling machine |
SIMO – 28 | Lars Kappertz DE * , Christof Bueskens | Physics-Based Modelling of a Milk Cooling System for Intelligent Energy Management |
SIMO – 29 | Adam Leon Kleppe NO * , Oystein Bjelland NO , Mohammad Amin Shayestehpour | Biomechanical Identification and Simulation of Passive Ankle Joints in AnyBody |
SIMO – 39 | Angela Sekulovska , Frank Morelli DE * , Frank Schaetter DE | Dashboard use case for supply chain resilience management and future research direction |
SIMO – 40 | Manish Vashishtha IN * , Gaurav Yadav IN , Meenu Suhag , Shiv Om Meena | Application of Artificial Neural Network for predicting nutrient release from Neem (Azadirachtaindica) Coated Urea |
SIMO – 46 | Maximilian Selmair DE * , Ahmed Tolba | Foundational Statistical Methods in Comparative Design for Simulation Experiments |
SIMO – 52 | Roberto San Jose ES * , Juan Luis Perez-Camanyo | Numerical Simulation of Localized Climate Scenarios impacts on Vegetation CO2 Fluxes in the Madrid Region (Spain) with the WRF/CHEM-VPRM model |
SIMO – 54 | Oscar Camargo CO * , Miguel Angel Uribe-Laverde CO | Simulation of the Complete Operation of a Bus Rapid Transit system Using Cellular Automata |
SIMO – 70 | Pasquale Legato , Rina Mary Mazza IT * | Simulation-Based Optimization for Driving Innovation in Manual Order Picking for a Wholesale Company |
SIMO – 75 | Lillian Tadros DE * | Automated Generation of Decision Trees for Decoding Irregular Instruction Sets |
SIMO – 82 | Muhammad Waqas IT * , Leonardo Maccari , Andrea Marin IT | Finite Capacity Multi-Server Job Systems: A Simulation Study |
SIMO – 83 | Carlo Simon DE * , Stefan Haag DE | Pairing State Automata and Petri Nets – Simulation of Processes in Logistics |
Finance, Economics and Social Sciences (FES) | ||
FES – 9 | Ilia Chernenko RU * , Veronika Zemzyulina | PLS-SEM multigroup analysis of industry 5.0 specific human capital performance in manufacturing companies |
FES – 31 | Eszter Boros HU * , Gabor Sztano HU | The Prospects of Financial Opening-up in China in Light of the Trilemma of International Finance |
FES – 32 | Erzsebet Terez Varga HU * | How the family tax allowances have affected child poverty in the Visegrad Countries 2005-2020 |
FES – 33 | Zsuzsanna Tamasne Voneki HU * , Gabriella Lamanda | GDP Influence on the ESG Risk Framework Disclosure of the Visegrad Four Banks |
FES – 34 | Lukasz Labanowski PL * , Pawel Fracz PL , Daria Wotzka PL , Ireneusz Dabrowski | Studying the interrelations between USALI parameters and GOP through wavelet coherence analysis |
FES – 35 | Lukasz Labanowski PL * , Pawel Fracz PL , Daria Wotzka PL , Joachim Foltys | Application of the nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous inputs for predicting the gross operating product based on USALI data |
FES – 36 | Grazyna Suchacka PL , Daria Wotzka PL * , Lukasz Mach PL , Pawel Fracz PL , Marzena Stec , Joachim Foltys | Analysis of the housing market dynamics using NARX neural network |
FES – 37 | Daria Wotzka PL * , Pawel Fracz PL , Marzena Stec , Ireneusz Dabrowski , Lukasz Mach PL , Bartosz Chorkowy | Impact of the volume of developer housing units on real estate prices in Poland: correlation and coherence analysis |
FES – 38 | Kata Varadi HU * , Janos Szaz HU , Patricia Becsky-Nagy HU | Valuing a Compound Exchange Option by Monte Carlo Method |
FES – 41 | Maria Hajlasz PL * , Bozena Mielczarek PL | A simulation-based framework for planning dental caries prevention programmes |
FES – 43 | Agnes Vidovics-Dancs HU * | Hedging the FX risk: the role of correlation |
FES – 45 | Agnes Vaskovi HU * , Anna Horvath | Women in Atypical Careers – Labour Market Analysis in the CEE Countries |
FES – 69 | Khulood Alharbi GB * , Alexandra Cristea | Hybrid Agent-Based Machine Learning Simulation of a Classroom Disruption Model |
FES – 73 | Emilia Nemeth-Durko HU * | Assessment the effect of green bonds on green innovation |
Finite – Discrete – Element – Simulation (FDEM) | ||
FDEM – 1 | Sergiy Fialko PL * | Time History Analysis of Buildings and Structures Design Models in SCAD Software on Multicore Computers |
FDEM – 26 | Jozsef Balazs Graeff HU * , Kornel Tamas HU , Laszlo Pasthy | Development of a 3D DEM simulation software for coupled simulations |
FDEM – 27 | Sandor Doebrentei HU * , Peter Tamas Zwierczyk HU | Analytical validation of the FE model of a railway wheel-rail rolling-sliding contact |
FDEM – 30 | Filip Kruzel PL * , Mateusz Nytko | Analysis of Performance Differences of FEM Numerical Integration Algorithm on Two Generations of Intel Xe-LP GPUs |
FDEM – 81 | Bence Szabo HU * , Taddeus Szabo , Kornel Tamas HU | Calibration of discrete element method soil models based on penetrometer and direct shear box tests using a genetic algorithm |
Business Process Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Operations (BPMI) | ||
BPMI – 22 | Irina-Emily Hansen NO , Ola Jon Mork , Paul Steffen Kleppe NO * | Design, testing and operation of fish processing lines – Can simulation tools and artificial intelligence be a gamechanger? |
BPMI – 23 | Irina-Emily Hansen NO , Ola Jon Mork , Paul Steffen Kleppe NO * | Sustainable technology and business development: Application of simulation platforms in norwegian marine industries |
BPMI – 65 | Mehrnoosh Nickpasand DK , Henrique M. Gaspar NO * , Hassan El Jaafari DK | Machine Learning In Agile Manufacturing; A Usecase From Offshore Wind Turbine Product Lifecycle Management (Plm) System |
BPMI – 72 | Romeo Bandinelli IT * , Virginia Fani IT | Combined Use Of Ai Techniques And Simulation To Support Production Scheduling: Evidence From Empirical Research |
Open and Collaborative Models and Simulation Methods (OCMS) | ||
OCMS – 55 | Zhicheng Hu NO * , Ricardo da Silva Torres NO , Claudia Lopez-Alfaro | Urban Lighting Infrastructure Analysis Using Topology Density Maps |
OCMS – 59 | Maria Jose Legaz ES * , Henrique M. Gaspar NO | Computer Vision for Reverse Engineering in the Design, Simulation and Operation of Maritime Systems |
OCMS – 63 | Pedro Paludetto Silva de Paula Lopes BR , Marcos Maturana , Marcelo Ramos Martins , Henrique M. Gaspar NO * , Kazuo Nishimoto | Simulation Of Ship Flooding In Open Foam: A Praise For Open Source CFD |
OCMS – 64 | Janica A. Bronson NO , Fernando H. P. Luz PT * , Icaro A. Fonseca NO , Henrique M. Gaspar NO | Graph Databases for Multi-Domain Taxonomies in Maritime Systems |
Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing (DTSM) | ||
DTSM – 14 | Heiner Ludwig DE * , Vincent Betker , Thorsten Schmidt , Mathias Kuehn | Speech-To-Jobshop: An Ontology-Driven Digital Assistant For Simulation Modeling |
DTSM – 21 | Paul Steffen Kleppe NO * , Benjamin Karlsen , Fridtjof Pedersen Lersveen , Lars Andre Giske | Soft body simulation of fish in fish processing factories |
DTSM – 42 | Oleg V. Kofnov RU , Valerii V. Zakharov RU , Vladislav A. Sobolevsky RU * , Boris V. Sokolov RU | System and management interpretation of the processes of creation and use of digital twins of complex technical objects |
DTSM – 76 | Giovanni Lugaresi BE * , Kornel Tamas HU , Kovacs Laszlo | Digital Twin Driven Assembly Line Re-Balancing and Decision Support |
DTSM – 77 | Paulo Victor Lopes BR * , Giovanni Lugaresi BE , Filipe Alves Neto Verri , Anders Skoogh | Process Mining and Production Routing Fast Profiling for Data-Driven Digital Twins |
DTSM – 78 | Juliano Yoshiro Nishiura , Paulo Victor Lopes BR * , Filipe Alves Neto Verri , Anders Skoogh | How to evaluate process discovery for Digital Twins in Industry 4.0? Process Discovery, Hypothesis Testing and Conformance Analysis |
Modelling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of Computer-based Systems Modelling and Simulation of Data Intensive Systems (MaSPECS-DIS) | ||
DIS – 20 | Stefano Demarchi IT * , Andrea Gimelli , Armando Tacchella IT | Improving Abstract Propagation for Verification of Neural Networks |
DIS – 50 | Adrian Widlak PL * , Pawel Ozimek , Piotr Labedz , Jerzy Orlof | Bound Block Elimination algorithm for accurate visibility computation in point cloud analysis |
DIS – 56 | Piotr Jurek PL , Anna Plichta PL * | Forecasting Energy Consumption in Energy Clusters using Machine Learning Methods |
DIS – 66 | Eugene Alooeff PL * , Dzmitry Adzinets BY | Multi-Agent System For Intelligent Scheduling |
DIS – 68 | Krzysztof Skabek PL * , Pawel Ozimek , Dominika Rola PL | Photogrammetric vs. Lidar Methods For Augumented Reality |
DIS – 79 | Mauro Iacono IT * , Michele Mastroianni IT | Evaluating the effects of nudging and deterrence on users’ behavior for privacy-by-design |
DIS – 84 | Jacek Iwanski , Grazyna Suchacka PL * | Investigating reliability of machine learning results depending on a method and the feature pre-processing – the case of e-customer session classification |
DIS – 85 | Pietro Piazzolla IT , Marco Gribaudo IT * , Marco Domenico Buttiglione , Francesco Guerrera , Giorgio Colombo | Lung Operation Training in Low-Cost Virtual Reality Simulation Environments |
DIS – 86 | Piotr Szuster PL * , Joanna Kolodziej | 3D weather radar network Cartesian products generation framework |
DIS – 88 | Salvatore Serrano IT , Marco Lucio Scarpa IT * , Omar Serghini | VGGISH for Music/Speech Classification in Radio Broadcasting |
DIS – 90 | Lelio Campanile IT * , Luigi Piero Di Bonito IT , Francesco Di Natale , Mauro Iacono IT | Ensemble Models for Predicting CO Concentrations: Application and Explainability in Environmental Monitoring in Campania, Italy |
Cybersecurity Modelling and Simulation (SecMoS) | ||
SecMoS – 49 | Raphael Couturier FR * , Hassan Noura | RFCA: Efficient, Robust and Flexible Cipher Algorithm For FPGA Implementation |
SecMoS – 71 | Andrzej Mycek PL * , Maryna Lukaczyk PL | Security of Containerization Platforms: Threat Modelling, Vulnerability Analysis, and Risk Mitigation |
SecMoS – 91 | Joanna Kolodziej PL * | HUMAN-CENTRIC CYBERSECURITY: TRENDS – SeCMoS Invited Talk |
Mathematical Modelling and ComputerSsimulations (MathMo) | ||
MathMo – 2 | Edyta Hetmaniok PL * , Rafal Brociek , Damian Slota | Computation of Temperature Distribution in the Integrated Thermal Protection System for Reusable Launch Vehicle |
MathMo – 16 | Amine Laaribi FR * , Damien Eberard , Wilfrid Marquis-Favre , Jean-Marc Blond , Jerome Chaudet | Structural analysis of hybrid electro-hydraulic power steering system – A bond graph approach |
MathMo – 44 | Vladimir Mityushev PL * | Invariant properties of contrast parameters of plane elastic composites |
MathMo – 51 | Krzysztof Barczak PL * , Edyta Hetmaniok PL , Julia Kita , Joanna Warycha PL | Anisotropy coefficient in 2D polydisperse model of composite structures |
MathMo – 57 | Lukasz Walusiak PL , Natalia Rylko PL * , Maciej Zdanski PL | Analyze the encryption and decryption methods using the Catalan sequence |
MathMo – 58 | Piotr Zielinski PL * | Acoustic Manifestations of Symmetry Breaking in Self-Similar Signals |
MathMo – 60 | Vladimir Mityushev PL , Daniel Grzonka PL * | Intersections among cluster inclusions in multi-phase polydispersed structures |
MathMo – 61 | Tomasz Ligocki PL * , | Application of structural sums to study collective behavior of bacteria |
MathMo – 67 | Michal Dolina PL * , Stanislaw Drozdz PL , Jakub Dec , Jaroslaw Kwapien , Tomasz Stanisz | Multiscale characteristics of sentence length variability in Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar |
MathMo – 74 | Natalia Rylko PL * , Karolina Szymanska | Structural investigation of clouds |